Knitting Nook!!!!!

I’d been wanting to organize and create a fiber crafting space for a long while now. I didn’t really have a comfortable place to sit and knit, or crochet, or spin. My husband even bought me a beautiful table for fiber things, and it went to waste, being used as an end table. To make it worse, I have this beautiful new wheel and I didn’t know where to put it.

Finally, we decided to rearrange the living room to make a space that could basically be my knitting nook. We’d still need to keep space for his guitars, of course, but we could make it so I also had a place for my wheels and projects. I was childishly gleeful at this idea.

We made a list of the things I wanted so that we could create the perfect nook. I was hoping for several things:

1. A comfortable chair to put my feet up in and knit, that would also be comfortable enough to spin.

2. I wanted to use my lovely table that I’d gotten for my birthday years ago.

3. I wanted a home for my wheels.

4. I wanted to feel organized, with easy access to things like stitch markers and a place to keep current projects and bobbins.

5. I wanted my space to be lovely, homey and inspiring.

Then, like magic, I came home from work on my birthday and it had happened. It wasn’t exactly a surprise, because we did go shopping together. I was there when we re-homed the old couch, but the arrival of the new furniture and setting up of the new room happened like magic. Literally, we had a disorganized space in the morning and I came home to a knitting nook and cake.

It’s next to the table I wanted to be functional, and close enough to rest a cup of tea on while I knit. It’s nice that we can both use the table now, whereas before it only collected dust. I use it mostly as a place for my knitting needles and such.

Having the living room transformed inspired me to get organized. I rearranged my stash closet and put some works in progress where I can easily reach them.

Finally, because the space is beautiful and organized I also spent a little effort to display things that make me happy, such as my drop spindles and the mbira I got while in South Africa.

It’s a small but perfect space. The best side effect of this whole project is that it turned one of my least favorite rooms in the house into a place that I want to spend time in. Hopefully this will translate into more finished projects.

I hope this inspires someone to get organized and to create their own happy place. Have a good week everyone.